
If you are a developer, or a newbie interested in developing, wanting to grow your skills and make cool cash from developing, well this article is for you. Let’s start by making you understand what Near protocol is all about; Near Protocol is a climate-neutral, high speed, low transaction layer 1 blockchain, which in simpler words, Near Protocol is a decentralized application (dApp) platform that focuses on developer and user-friendliness. Its native NEAR tokens is used to pay for transaction fees and storage on the Near crypto platform. NEAR is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain that uses sharding technology to achieve scalability. Now that the basic concept of Near protocol is understood, In the next paragraph, I’ll be stating why every developer should choose Near protocol to build on.

Honestly, one major reason why Near protocol was built was for developers, the reasons include; Near protocol is developer-friendly cause you can build on common languages like rust or assembly script, secondly developers get paid 30% of the fees their contracts generate. Thirdly, Near protocol has unlimited scalability, fourthly is Near’s Built-in Bridges that allow users to move assets, contracts, and data seamlessly between Ethereum or Polkadot, and fifthly is because Near protocol is super fast as you can transfer tokens instantly between NEAR accounts. There are more reasons but I’m stopping here.

Now that I have increased your desire to build on Near Protocol, it’s time for me to tell you the easiest way to build on Near protocol; the first step is interacting with Near protocol which involves Setting up your near wallet and minting an NFT. You can use this link to get started, “". The second step is to build on Near protocol and the third step is manifesting your vision by starting your own project on Nearprotocol. I will be highlighting the 2nd step in the next paragraph. In order

Inorder to build an app on Near protocol, there are essential resources you need which Includes; Near examples(Basic example apps built on NEAR that you can clone and explore),Near tools( which includes; Near cli, Near explorer, Near wallet, Near local development.), Near libraries and Near resources (like near university & more). So let’s dive right in; to start building on Near protocol, you must know that NEAR currently supports RUST & Assembly script. The 2nd step is setting up a Testnet; which involves Visit NEAR Wallet for testnet and register for a free account, then you deploy an application using NEAR CLI with near dev-deploy for TestNet or near deploy. The third step is looking around Near explorer(Try searching for the account you just created and see the transactions you’ve created) the fourth step is installing Near-Cli(This is a command line interface that allows you to interact seamlessly with NEAR. This NEAR docs has all of the near-cli commands with examples). The fifth step is; running your first command: use near login; this will redirect you to your NEAR Wallet and save your testnet account keys locally. the After checking out the testnet, you may feel free to run your local node. However, if you just wanna play around with the codes, then we suggest that you stick to the testnet.

Near protocol runs on node. You can launch NEAR betanet and testnet nodes by installing nearup. You can do so by following the instructions at 6th step is running an official node using Docker, the 7th step is Creating A Simple Code On Near, Near has a list of helpful programs or example codes that you can checkout with ease. the 8th step is deploying a smart contract(every smart contract in Near has its own associated account. When you run yarn dev, your smart contracts get deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary account. If you now want to make it permanent, here’s what you need to do

Step 0: Install near-cli, Step 1: Create an account for the contract, Step 2: Set contract name in code, Step 3: change remote URL if you cloned this repo, Step 4: Deploy).

Alright, now that you know how to run a basic code, you should dive deeper into Near protocol to become a certified Near developer by checking out few Near developer courses like NEAR 101,Near 102 and some more.








Near Protocol Nigeria (NPK Guild)
Near Protocol Nigeria (NPK Guild)

Written by Near Protocol Nigeria (NPK Guild)

NPK Guild is a Near Protocol Community based in Nigeria, aimed at educating and incentivising young Nigerians onBlockchain technology and the NEAR ECOSYSTEM

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