Into_NEAR: What is the Near protocol ?
author: mahmudsudo.near || twitter:
NEAR is a user-friendly , Carbon-neutral blockchain built from the ground up to be Perfomant , secure and infinitely scalable.
NEAR is an easy-to-use , easy-to-build blockchain system that theoretically solves the Blockchain trilemma i.e decentralization, Scalability and security.
In more simplistic terms , NEAR protocol is an evasive, environmentally friendly yet straightforward blockchain built with developers and users at heart .
The ease of use and production is mostly downplayed yet pronounced when compared to other blockchains like Ethereum , Solana and Polkadot . This is why it’s commonly referred to as the common-man blockchain or the Blockchain for the common man.
What makes NEAR so easy-to-use 🤔?
NEAR has a lot of characteristics which makes it easy to use , some include but not limited to :
- Human readable accounts : this greatly helps in naming accounts as accounts in NEAR can have names in readable formats. This also reduces the need for registration of a domain name like mahmud.eth and yinka.sol . This is a breakthrough that helps in identifying accounts easily and can also serve as deterrent to money laundering.
- Web-based wallet : NEAR protocol uses a very simple yet trojan-secured wallet which helps in easy transaction and eases use.
- Rich system of permissions using access keys : Gone are the days where you have to approve every smart contract calls in order to perform transactions . NEAR provides a rare but very rich system of access keys that help in bestowing non-transfer access to smart contracts and reduces the Huddle’s of confirming and repeatedly granting access manually.
How is NEAR environmentally friendly 🌞☘️?
- Transactions are extremely fast yet cheap . Each transaction reaches finality in approximately 1 seconds and costs less than 1 cent < 0.01$.
- Zero pollution effect : NEAR has been declared the most carbon neutral public blockchain in usage .
- Less energy consumption : shockingly NEAR consumes less energy than any mainstream blockchain. It uses same energy in a year as Bitcoin in 8 mins , Ethereum in 1 month.
How about developer benefits from NEAR 😌?
- Smart contracts can be writing in most of the mainstream languages like rust, javaScript , typescript , solidity and assembly script . This is good news to web 2.0 developers , there is no need to learn new technologies for smart contracts in NEAR.
- Super simple to learn and start with coupled with great community and documentations.
- 30% of gas fees goes to …….. , guess who, the developers.
- Near also gives funding to new infrastructure and projects on it
What can near show off for these greatness🤔 ?
- It’s infinite Scalability power and resistance to usage spikes due to sharding.
- Interoperability with existing chains like Ethereum.
- It’s EVM compatible
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