A project that lacks a strong community is doomed to fail. This may appear to be a myth, but it has been observed over time that a project supported by a community that is more interested and focused on the value and solutions the project is offering is more likely to stand the test of time.
A project with community members who believe in and continued to support and promote the products it offers will be more advanced and developed than a project with no community or user support.
A minimum viable Community is made up of people who have a strong interest in a particular topic or in developing specific skills that are required for the growth and development of the project.
A minimum viable Community is a group of people who share similar interests, coming together to create a community in order to achieve a common goal. Though the community may comprise tens and units of persons it is not limited to a specific minimum number of two or three participants. These groups of persons are responsible for the collection of useful data and feedback about the product and also make decisions on what is preferably best for the general public and end-users of the products the project is issuing. Their sole aim is to ensure that this project scales and meets the standards it was built for and beyond.
Members of this core Community immensely tackle every obstacle the project might face while growing as strong believers in the project.
Building a startup or project is not easy and one is likely to do even better during the building process if they are involved with a viable Community. This Community set-up helps the founders provide customer services, users, and other community members through the core Community they have built.
The uniqueness of the viable Community in terms of size and scope enables the developers and founders to reach out to every aspect and take an iterative approach in building overtime and prioritizing the next version of your products or project based on actual market viability rather than investing in insignificant resources in order to scale better.
Once you have a project idea, it is necessary to build a community alongside as they will help in shilling the project, getting feedback, and promoting the growth of the project over time.
There are a few steps or approaches one can implement in order to attract and groom the right viable Community.
One of the most important steps or aspects to consider when building a community is to draft a proper plan stating who your ideal members should be and if these members share similar interests and goals with you and the value your project is offering. In order to not sink your ship by boarding with the wrong pairs, it’s advisable to figure out what your Community should be built on and the strength this Community can add to get feedback and boost the Growth of the project. The Community serves as a reservoir for ideas and the establishment of these set goals.
Knowing the target audience and end-users of your product and services helps you know the right approach to employ to meet their demands and needs.
Although human wants are insatiable it is still very appealing to build products that offer solutions to some of the humans’ basic needs and can stand the test of time.
Your audience or consumers will provide all the feedback you will need to scale your performance. The Audience also helps you carry out proper research and enables the viable Community members to solve most of the recommended problems and fix all bugs.
Once you are able to identify your audience and you offer solutions, you will ignite a larger Community of respondents which eventually helps you measure your strengths and increase business opportunities.
While it is important to build a minimum viable Community, it is also important to ensure the community members believe in the use case and solutions the project is offering and are willing to support the project at all times.
The Bear market is characterized by low confidence and pessimism from investors which triggers a large sell-off of the assets at lower prices dragging the prices lower than their initial All-Time Highs.
A minimum viable Community that focuses more on the project value will at this stage of the bear season, create good news and spread reasons why people should invest in the project and trigger a buy order to the platform.
The Essence of a minimum viable Community can not be over-emphasized as a good Community would promote the project and its solutions rather than settling in its weaknesses and discouraging others from venturing into the project. These people are more interested in what the project has to offer than the monetary value and other benefits one can gain from backing up the project.